“On my way to dance” means so much more than one might think. As a parent I am truly grateful that my daughter and son have gained so much from dance. I am not just bringing them to dance. I am bringing them to a place that makes them feel confident and welcome. A place where they can be themselves and be praised for it. I am bringing them to a healthier future. I am bringing them to a place that teaches them that dedication to each other and to themselves is important. A place where determination and hard work are rewarded. A place where following through on difficult tasks and being proud of the results is life affirming and the norm, not the exception. You might think I am just bringing my kids to dance but, no, I am doing much more. I am preparing them for a life that is satisfying and full of beauty and for that I drive them happily to every dance happening I can because I know they will enter adulthood with the skills that dance has given them and take the world by storm.